Color Correction

Swap the Colour

Swap the Colors of subjects and objects in images as you like a cost-efficient way to present product variations. With products that come in a variety of Colours, it will be time-consuming and expensive to take individual photos for each Color variety. our Skilled editors are able to seamlessly alter the original color of a photo, Maybe someone is wearing the Color dress, or you would like to see what your E-commerce product would look like in a different color. Whatever the reason, changing the colors of specific elements as per client requirements.

Service Description:

  • Garments Color Correction
  • Pants Correction
  • T-shirt Correction
  • Hoodie Corrections
  • Body Correction

Culling & Custom Color Correction

Bring colors and vibrancy to dull, Boring, and lifeless photos. color correction is applied to achieve natural-looking colors, recreate the best color & bring out the details to make the photos much better. we correct the contrast, temperatures, clarity, and remove the unwanted dark spots and shadows from your photos. In terms of outdoor and other photo color correction, we adjust the contrast level of the sky, field, and other backgrounds, remove a too bright white zone, enhance the saturation, and correct every color to make your photos natural and more appealing. our photo color correction service you can have attention-grabbing photos by applying the following photo editing techniques and we cull the best percentage of images you specify and then we will cull down your images to the amount you selected with the best quality, exposure, angle, lights, more.

Service Description:

  • Start with RAW or JPEG images
  • Application of your Lightroom presets (if applicable)
  • White balancing of images
  • Adjustment of brightness / contrast / color
  • Shadows And Highlights
  • Cropping and straightening
  • Skin color correcting
  • Sharpening or noise reduction
  • Reordering/Sequencing
  • Renumbering/Renaming
  • Categorization
  • Black/white adjustments and conversion or copies
  • HDR Blending & Exposure Correction


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